Social Perspectives in Saint Gregory Palamas` Theology and Philosophy
Social Perspectives in Saint Gregory Palamas` Theology and Philosophy
St Gregory Palamas Seminar
International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory Palamas
Institute for the Study of Values and Spirituality
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
The Institute for the Study of Values and Spirituality (ISVS) organized and sponsored the second Meeting of the Saint Gregory Palamas Seminar-International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory Palamas. After the successful International Conference on the Philosophy and Theology of St. Gregory Palamas (Thessaloniki-Veroia-Holy Mt. Athos, March 2012), the Round Table on St Gregory Palamas' Philosophy at the World Congress of Philosophy in Athens (August 2013), the International Conference on Meister Eckhart and St. Gregory Palamas (St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, Russia, June 2014) and the First St. Gregory Palamas Seminar in Veroia (June 2015), Dr. C. Athanasopoulos (UK-Greece), Professor Dan Chițoiu (ISVS Director/Al. I. Cuza University of Iași) and Professor Oleg Dushin (St. Petersburgh, Russia) decided to collaborate in the foundation of the St Gregory Palamas Seminar with the purpose of creating an international discussion space that can be moved across countries and provide a fruitful forum for exchange of ideas on academically plausible interpretations and applications of St Gregory Palamas' Philosophy and Theology.
Presented Papers:
Dr. Constantinos Athanasopoulos (Open University, UK), The Orthodox Mystical Dimension of Work in the works of St Gregory Palamas
Professor Manuel Sumares (Catholic University of Portugal at Braga, Portugal), Life in the Ordinary: Schmemann's Vision of the Ordo and the Hesychast
Dr. Tone Svetelj (Boston College, USA), Gregory Palamas and Political Hesychasm in the 14th and the 20th Century
Dr. Rev. Fr. Marian Vild (University of Bucharest, Romania), The biblical argumentation for the communitarian life in St. Gregory of Palamas' 25 Homily (On the Sunday of All Saints)
Professor John Farina (John Mason University, USA), The Five Mediations as Social Theory
Patricia Calvario (University of Porto, Portugal), "God is the root and origin of every virtue": the subordination of the social to the theological in Gregory Palamas' Homilies
Dr. Anna Palusinska (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland), Christian man and Christian society. Gregory Palamas' rejection of Hellenic anthropocentrism
Vladuț-Ionuț Ghionoiu (Alexandru loan Cuza University of Iași), Romania, In between Palamism and the Bulgakovian Sophiology. An Orthodox Weltanschauung?
Professor Rev. Fr. Nikolaos Loudovikos (University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, Greece), Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus and Gregory Palamas according to Gennadios Scholarios
Professor Viorel Vizureanu (University of Bucharest, Romania), Reflections about the place of the social in Orthodoxy
Professor Savu Totu (University of Bucharest, Romania), Acts of love - the only way of Christian social life
Dr. Rev. Fr. Nichifor Tănase (Eftimie Murgu University of Reșița, Romania), Palamite key-concept of the enhypostatically character of the uncreated energies
Dr. Krzysztof Korzyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), The Socio-Ethical Dimension of Inner Transformation (Metanoia) in the Thinking of Saint Gregory Palamas
Professor Dan Chițoiu (ISVS/Alexandru loan Cuza University of lași, Romania), Palamite Doctrine's impact on the Eastern Europe's Social and Cultural Identity